Unconditional (2013)

Unconditional is a 2012 biographical drama film written and directed by Brent McCorkle, inspired by true events. It is the first film by Harbinger Media Partners, which aims to "produce high quality theatrical films that honor God and inspire viewers to pursue Him and serve others."The producers of the film have partnered with a number of charitable and non-profit organizations to encourage moviegoers to meet the needs of others in their communities.

The film is based on the actual story of Joe Bradford, who grew up in a rural area of Tennessee. When he developed kidney disease, Joe and his wife Denise were forced to move to a low-income area of Nashville. When they arrived, they were confronted by the needs of the underprivileged children in their neighborhood. Joe and Denise began to reach out to them and also started directing a choir of inner-city children. Many of the fatherless children embraced Joe, who became known as "Papa Joe." Together with his wife, he founded Elijah's Heart, a non-profit organization, in 2005 to help children in need.

The film is the first feature-length project directed by Brent McCorkle, who also wrote the screenplay and edited the film. He previous

ly worked on several short films, including The Rift, which won an award in the 2009 Doorpost Film Project.


lives a dream life. She is happily married on a ranch where she keeps her beloved horse, and the stories she's told and illustrated since childhood have become published books.

When her husband Billy is tragically killed, Sam loses her faith and will to live. A death-defying encounter with two children leads to a reunion with Joe, her oldest friend. As Sam watches "Papa" Joe care for and love the kids in his under-resourced neighborhood, she begins to believe that the love of God is always reaching out to her. 

High-quality screenshots of Lynn Collins as Samantha Crawford HERE


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